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tv   ABC7 News at 12A on KOFY  KOFY  February 21, 2012 12:00am-12:30am PST

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angry after a crime that has stunned berkeley hills neighborhood. good evening i'm dan ashley. carolyn johnson has the night off. that man's son is accused of beating well liked businessman to death at his home. john is live in berkeley tonight with the story. john? >> we learn a berkeley council member is calling for an investigation that how police handled that call and the suspect's father is apologizing to the victim's family tonight 2 berkeley police officers met with the murder suspect parents at the home in alameda. police didn't talk but the suspect father wanted to get something off his chest. >> i weren't to apologize or say i'm sorry to the family involved. the victim and his family i'm truly truly sorry. >>reporter: 43-year-old daniel jordan dewitness described as paranoid schizophrenic in jail for the murder of 67-year-old berkeley hills resident identified as peter the man beaten with a flower pot saturday night at his home at
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grizzly peak boulevard an shasta road. he called the case a failure of the mental health system. >> they drug him and let him go again. in and out of the hospital and that's the problem my son had. he could never get stabilize on the drug because they would take him in and let him out and take him in and let him out. >>reporter: berkeley council member who represents the neighborhood had known the victim for years. >> he was a very kind man. very accomplished man. whole thing is very shooking to me. this he's no longer with us. >>reporter: she's now calling for an investigation into the police response. police say the first call from the home came in on a non-emergency line reporting a man trespassing. next one was a 911 emergency call after the attack. berkeley police say at the time they had reconfigured patrol to deal with an occupy oakland protest that was heading toward berkeley. police statementñr says only criminal in progress emergency calls were to be dispatched day to the reduction in officer available to handle
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calls for service. council member wants to see the time line. >> well i think it's something we have to look into. i think allocation of our resources is really important issue and that's why i have asked for the information. >>reporter: now police say of swrers dispatched medley after that 911 call. the father says his son lives in oakland and tried to see him last saturday but the son wouldn't come out of his room. the son has been off the medication since july. live in berkeley, abc 7 news. >> all right john thank you. >> surviving speed freak killer is now claiming he and his accomplice buried victims in a third san joaquin county well according to the sacramento bounty hunter who convinced wesley sherman to reveal the location of his victims. leonard padilla told us nature sherman told him about the new well yesterday. 1,000 human app pwops from as many as 30 victims in the killing spree in the 80's and 90's already recovered from a well in the
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town of lynden. last weak researchers used dog to check out a second well. now comes word of this potential third well. teenager suspected of at least one armed robbery is under arrest tonight in san jose. officer spotted the 16-year-old suspect latete this afternoon on the south west expressway near baskin avenue. policexd closed the nearby los gatos creek trail during the search for him and ended with young man taken that custody without incident just after 6 tonight at gas station. 4 people face charges tonight after taking police on chase through 3 bay area counties. sky 7 hd captured exclusive video showing one of the men jumping out of moving truck and taking off running. 3 men and woman accused of stealing a welder trailer from a craw repairing wind mill at at may pass. pursuit began near 5 80 in livermore and south on to highway 6 80 in san jose. then they took 101 north to east palo alto where the chase ended. and they were all
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arrested. >> they were doing like 25 miles per hour and why aren't they pulling over? and police finally blocked them here and here they are. nice and caught. >>reporter: nice and caught than deed. police say they had 2 guns and search of the truck uncovered a pound of marijuana. in livermore tonight police are looking for whoever is throwing rock again and this time they came dangerously close to hitting a baby. softball size rock were thrown from a moving car early saturday morning. they hit several homes and school. luckily no one was hurt but one smashed through the window of a house with such force it got stuck in the wall next to a child's crib. >> glass all over my daughter's room. she's really youngçó and her crib had a blanket of glass in it and my wall was like all over the floor. >>reporter: now whoever did it authorities say probably used some sort of launching device to toss the rock from his a
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station wagon maybe an suv. few week ago livermore police officer was hit in the head and hurt badly by a group throwing rocks from an overpass. world financial market breathing easier after area 0minister finally agree to bailout greece once again. euro surged as news of this 170 billion dollar deal broke early tuesday in europe. but the plan is wildly unpopular in greece where there has been wide spread rioting over austerity measures. bank will take a 75 percent loss on their investment. u.s. banks owned much of that debt. today show down half world away sending shock waves across the united states. if you filled up the tank today you felt gas praises are spiking. the average price in california now stands at 4.03 a gallon for regular. 4.0two in san jose. 4.07 in san francisco. tonight
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prices.the report on way to >>-:6wja 75 or 80 dollars. >> 50 buck and doesn't even fill the taichblingt spend more getting to work than actually getting paid.what a way to celebrate president's day. with highest gas prisons ever seen this time of year. rising at recordxd speed too up 25 cens from just a month ago. last year prices mostly held steady from january to february clocking in at 3.14. year before that they actually went down. by april experts say it will only get worse. >> we are looking at perhaps prices getting to 3.75 4.25 by april or may. >>reporter: spike being driven by smoldering tension with ira iran. some analyst predict come memorial day the price at the pump could be a whopping 5 dollars a gallon. on afternoon american household spent more than 4000 dollars on gas last year alone. 8.4 percent of the
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total budget. that's double what they spent a decade ago. prices 3.96 in new york. 3.53 near nebraska and 3.62 near seattle what's driver to do. for starters try not to fill up anywhere near a highway. went to the station near a freeway in los angeles where gas cost 4.95 a gallon. 2 miles down the road, though, prices are much cheaper. 3.97 per gallon. sometimes the road less traveled is the better value the rope for the huge discrepancy for the station that are located near the freeway to those down the road? plane old competition. drivers on the freeway don't have the time or means to drive elsewhere to look for gas and generally pull over to the first station they see. pay more. this is abc news, los angeles. tomorrow morning commute will be the first true test of the bay bridge new reconfigured lanes. drivers expect a gentle s curve past the toll plaza.
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it's in place for 18 month until the new bridge opens next year. the upper deck reopened last night 33 hours early actually after closing on friday night for the work. they didn't expect it to be open until tomorrow morning commute but got it done fast. closure led to increased traffic on the other bridges especially the golden gate as people found a detour. this past saturday was the fifth highest ridership in bart's history. now check on traffic conditions any time you wish with the exclusive abc 7 ways app. shows you trouble spots based on gps information from drivers out there on the road with you at the moment. become a traffic spotter good to our web site slash waze to loun load the app. >> coming up next. 43 condom. california new program to keep girls as young as 12 from getting pregnant. >> also the scientist who are growing tlel 17,000 dollar hamburger. would you eat it? >> and snow in the sierra.
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comparison between this year and last. all coming up then later on "nightline". >> coming up next on fight lin line. cops cracking down on knock off luxury goods we would least expect. we good on sting operation to separate the fake stuff from the real deal. plus the power of speaking your
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there's a word for too much of a good thing, it's called overboard. and when it comes to clear skin the right amount of the right face wash is key. introducing clearasil perfectawash, the new dispenser automatically delivers the perfect dose for visibly clearer skin, without over-drying. see the results in as little as 12 hours. clearasil perfectawash. the perfect does for visibly clearer skin. get two refills, a three month supply at 1/3rd the price of proactiv.
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>> state sponsored program is generating some controversy and debate tonight. california is delivering free condom to teenagers. orders are taken on line. lillian is in the newsroom with the story. lillian. >>reporter: the non-profit california family health council teamed up with the state department of public health to launch this mail order condom program. it's being paid for by funds set aside by the center for disease control. teens can easily by condom at the store or get them for free at certain health clinics but now they have another option. 12 to 19-year-old can go on line at teen and place an order for condom to come straight to the home at no cost. >> research shows that barrier such as embarrassment or concerns around confidentiality
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or affordability are present for teens, so we want to be able to break down those barriers. >>reporter: teen pregnancy rate is down in california but the number of cases of std is up among 15 to 19-year-olds. that's why the mail order condom program is targeting the county with the highest rate of std. at this point only teens in san francisco, alameda, sacramento, san joaquin and kern county able to place an on line order. >> best way to me haven't std and unintended pregnancy is abstinence but if young people are sexually active this will help them be safe and responsible. >>reporter: in addition to condition domestic teen who place an order on line will receive lubricant and education pamphlet in non-descript yellow envelope. parents had a wide range of opinion. >> if you have ton your job as a parent and teach them right and wrong that's good choice for teenagers, i think.
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>>reporter: that's not something you should be able to get in the mail. it should be something your parents would want to you get and then they should get it for you. >>reporter: since the program was launched on tuesday there have been 500 order. program could expand to other counties depending on funding. in the newsroom, 7 news. >> thanks lillian. >> world first test tube hamburger could soon be a reality. dutch scientist has taken stem cell from a cow and created muscle tissue in the lab. he says the goal is to find a 14 way to produce an expensive meat. anonymous backer pays 317,000 dollars to fund the research. that's the figure. dr. post hopes to agree enough sample to create a hamburger by this october. pass the ketchup. a lot of it. >> one california ski area trying to lure people to the slopes natural without man made snow this very dry winter. yosemite pass relies on natural snow. got a quarter inch
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overnight enough to bring out skiers today. officials there say they have about 24 inches on the ground. last year at this time they had 120 inches by comparison. still badger pass attracts visitors from across the country. >> compared to massachusetts this, this weather here i'm surprised that they even have snow. >> we have about. >> lack of snow means the pass is offering big discount including 2 for 1 lift passes on tuesday which is tomorrow. weren't be any snow up the really any time in the interfuture doesn't sound like. sandy following the forecast really, really dry february. >> absolutely. not just in the mountains here in the bay area as well. take a look at the season today. santa rosa running 49 percent of normal. is what impressive is the rainfall deficit. we are over 13 inches behind where we should be fov for this time of year. san francisco 41 percent
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of a. 10 inches behind. oakland almost 9 inches behind san jose of search behind, 28 percent of normal. really a try start to 2012. this is what we have been enjoying. high definition sutro camera. beautiful sunset at 5:54. few high clouds going through an it's absolutely stunning. this sunset from richmond. view here sent to me by twitter anonymous viewer follower on twitter. lovely there as well. numbers in the 40's and 50's. we have low cloud right near the coast and we are also reporting patches of fog around places like half man bay. highlights partly cloudy. patchy fog tonight turning sunny mild tm and warmer for your wednesday and thursday. noticeably warmer. few light showers and sprinkles overnight with a weak low i should say.
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now higher clouds just filtering through down below we have the low clouds first thing tomorrow morning. happening in the atmosphere. strong ridge of high pressure. this is just going to build in over the next couple of days and as it push ins we are going to start to see the temperatures right. so high pressure builds inland and we start to see the clouds dissipating eventually. warmer days are expected especially in our inland community where you see numbers writing up into the low to mid 70's. well above average this time of year. feel more like may than february as we head into the wednesday thursday time period. tomorrow morning though we will see low clouds and areas of fog. temperatures in the 40's so make sure you grab a light jacket or sweater first thing in the morning. tomorrow afternoon short sleeve weather in santa rosa, cue could i a low 70's in all the loshtions. napa 68. 69 san francisco. san mateo occupier 60's for oakland, fremont, san jose,
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absolutely gorgeous day temperatures coming up good 5 to 10 degrees. around the monterey bay 66 if santa cruz. 70 degrees in morgan hill. high clouds tomorrow as well. look at the accu-weather 7 day forecast. warming trend wed we are getting up to 76 degrees. thinks unbelievable for february. much looker as we hit the weekend. chance for computer model trying to duke it out. that's the very lates latest. i pass this along to you. national weather service says 2012 yes has been dryer than average but not the driest ever. san francisco 22nd lowest amount so far. san jose sixth driest start. we have seen records going way back. not by any stretch of the imagination. >> march and april into may we can get.
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>> that's what i hope. >> thanks very much. >> coming up next. plant that died 32,000 years ago brought back to life. remember oscar signed 6 days away now. you will find a lot of oscar history and fascinating gabingts about the war. red carpet arrive it begins at 5:30 and she will be on jimmy live afterward. exclusive oscar app for live video from the red carpet and back stage. join the conversation as well on twitter using many oscar stay cheeseburger macaroni?
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[ female announcer ] cheeserburger macaroni hamburger helper. now even cheesier and tastier. helpers. forty dishes, all delicious. gives us the most nutritious of gifts. but only when they are ready to be given. that's why green giant picks vegetables at their peak. ...and freezes them fast, locking in nutrients ...for you to unwrap. ♪ ho, ho, ho. green giant >> is.
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>> scientist have been able to grow a plant from ancient fruit long buried in siberia called the narrow leaf champion. died
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32,000 years ago. but a squirrel stored the fruit in its borough and laid there frozen until scientist found it a few years ago. researchers able to take cell from the plant and grow them in culture dishes. this is the oldest plant ever grown from ancient tissue. fascinating stuff. >> tomorrow night abc "nightline"will take exclusive look inside the chinese factory where apple most popular products assemble. they helped get our camera into the fox con factory at shin day at workers conditions there. some settled other high tech device but working conditions are blamed for driving some work investigators commit suicide. "nightline"factory inside apple airs tomorrow tonight at 11:35 right here on abc 7 news medley following our broadcast. larry is here with all the sports tonight. >> inside the warriors. look like last second mystery for
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golden gate coming. rise down the stretch against the golden gate coming. rise down the stretch against the clippers. sports next
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>> good evening. warriors they always have a patent on heart breaking losses but tonight, a show down with chris paul and blake griffin and it was the clipers who blinked. clips coming in third best ticket after he was not impressed. take the feed here. spins and slams. griffin. he can dunk also. left hand it's like a foot over the riff. top of the score. sweet from curry. career high 19 points and chris paul catches fire. 6 for 6 in the first half. 20 points to twin issue with 24 lake. 360 spin with authority. 21 for
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blake griff in. jubing ahead late fourth quarter 2 of the 22 clip up by adduce get ready for the agony. know. wing 3 attack paul with little runner there. 197 warriors. i saw who blocks the shot. warriors the finish the great and they end tremendous game losing streak. 104-97 warriors the final. knicks hosting the net nets, new jersey sensational playing pick and roll mellow jumper atlanta this see here and chen the dray tonight. barren davis sighting even. ex warrior first action as knicks scoring 3 points in 10 minutes. reveals throwing it down. all
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who stov with 8 3 and 38 point points. quiet insanity for 1 evening. 100 to moo. on the baseball a have large anonymous team about to add one large personality in the form of ramirez. former red sox dodger including are graduate to 1 year deal for 5000,000 at kind of man around the fear hitter in the game. gate up with his wacy person a and efforts ick he could flag out and he still has drug who nose what he becomes raiders. randers didn't think agreed to customers of the chan at that time he refuse 2 allow


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